Yesterday I toured Green Point Stadium with a few other people. It was a remarkable afternoon to say the least. Even with a completely empty stadium, I still felt a rush of excitement imagining being there with a jam packed stadium cheering my lungs out! The elegant flow of the stadium along with the fresh pitch combined for an atmosphere unlike any other. Just look at the pictures and I am going to describe them as I go…
This first picture is after going through the gates and walking up the stairs to the gigantic pavillion situated outside the stadium. I imagine there will be a bunch of pre-game food and games there. Already getting excited:
The guest information center where our tour began. You can see the visual 3D model used for showcasing the design of the stadium to the city:
Finally. A first look at the stadium from normal tier seating. What a fantastic view! Also, as you can see the chairs are different shades of grey to make the stadium look filled when there are seats without people. On television it looks different with motion:
So close to the pitch! The upper section in the background is the temporary section that will be taken down after the World Cup:
Enjoying the one and only time I will ever sit in the VIP section of the stadium. VIP benefits include a cup holder and a cushy chair. Totally worth it!
The team showers where Steven Gerrard and Wayne Rooney will be naked…
Being held up in the temporary cells for hooligans enjoying the game a little too much. I plan to see this place again…
Getting as close to the pitch as possible. Now I can say, “I was there”. There are a bunch of billboards around the city with the phrase, “Be sure you are able to say… I was there” - FIFA World Cup 2010. Every time I see them, I get even more excited!
Only one more week before spring break starts!