
I have been really busy lately. Mostly with papers and assignments for class unfortunately, but I have been making sure to take time away from schoolwork (like that is difficult in Cape Town). The weather has definitely changed to fall weather, at least fall in South Africa, but there is a little more rain and wind with colder evenings. Soccer has been picking up even more with no less than two games a weekend and two practices during the week. I am really enjoying playing with mostly guys from South Africa. They are really nice and always interested in hearing about America.

UCT 3rds UCT 3rds

Last weekend I went hiking with some roommates on Table Mountain! It was a beautiful day without many clouds so we were able to see the surrounding area. We didn’t make it to the very top part of the mountain but were on the table part around the twelve apostles. We took a path up the mountain that was marked as “closed” because of a landslide that happened a while ago. We managed to stick to the trail, which was a mostly a rock staircase. The top was a little windy but the sun kept us warm and we had lunch overlooking Camps Bay and the Atlantic Ocean. It was a phenomenal view! We made our way down another path and enjoyed a nice evening out with friends.

Camps Bay below

Camps Bay below Camps Bay below

My parents were originally going to arrive tonight but because of the volcano in Iceland they changed their tickets to Monday evening. My brother and sister-in-law are arriving Monday early evening so I am planning on meeting them downtown at the hotel and there we will pleasantly wait for my parents to land in Cape Town! This past week has felt really weird because I am getting to see my parents and I have been working on a lot of homework and papers so it feels like finals week. Finals week usually means going home, so I guess I feel like I am going home soon, but that isn’t the case, ha. We are planning on dong a lot while here but I will keep up a day-to-day blog so you guys can keep up.

SHAWCO started up again after the month I had off because of spring break and stuff. The schools had break also and then Easter weekend screwed around with the schedule, so it has been a while since I have been with my little soccer players. Lately SHAWCO has been more like babysitting than it is actually teaching the kids. They already know more than I do about soccer (at least play it better) and the field we are in hasn’t been mowed in years so playing is quite difficult. There is a little area where the grass isn’t growing and is mostly dirt so we tend to play there. The kids usually get in fights with each other or only want to shoot on goal instead of passing around. It has been interesting though, learning about the kids and hearing about their day-to-day lives in the townships. I cannot complain.

SHAWCO Kayelitsha Soccer Team (don't mind the little kid giving the finger...) SHAWCO Kayelitsha Soccer Team (don’t mind the little kid giving the finger…)

Today was one of the most enjoyable days I have had in Cape Town in a while. Firstly, I played a soccer match at 11:00am with the UCT 3rd Team. The game resulted in a draw but I don’t really care because all I want to do is play! Then me and 7 of my housemates went to a show called “STOMP” which is an international show that was in Cape Town for the week. It is a music/beat show using normal, everyday objects to make the sounds. It was really amazing some of the stuff they did. We had a blast! After the show we took taxis from downtown to the V&A waterfront where we enjoyed a relaxing evening in the harbor and had a fantastic meal with some quality tap beer. We also made a spontaneous pit stop at a soccer shop in the V&A mall where I happened to buy a new USA FIFA 2010 World Cup jersey! I am in love with it, to say the least.

I will be working on papers tomorrow and Monday all day so I don’t have much to do when my family is here. Hopefully that actually happens so I don’t have to work on my paper instead of spending some quality time with them!

That’s all for now

Ps: I resubmitted my paper that I got a 0% on and ended up getting a 73%! That is equivalent to an “A” here so I am really, really happy.

Amanda, Ariana Amanda (Shashmanda), Ariana and I