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Environments with Next.js and Vercel


I learned about Vercel + Next.js when building Beepboop, a small journal app. This was a small foray into building apps with React’s latest “hook” architecture. Deploying react apps was relatively new to me, as a backend engineer. I found Next.js and Vercel to fit pretty seamlessly into my preferred workflow:

  1. make changes locally
  2. view changes locally with local database
  3. view changes locally with remote staging database
  4. push changes to git branch
  5. view changes on staging
  6. merge changes into main branch
  7. view changes on production

Vercel made this possible! I created envercel to test my env configuration needs. It’s a small application built with Next.js and deployed with Vercel to multiple environments: preview and production.

envercel webpage

The app sorts and logs process.env so I could view what was available to the application at build and runtime. Vercel does a nice job at documenting their site-specific environment parameters as well. I created an environment variable ENVERCEL for both production and preview environments.

envercel webpage

You can view the deployed site at https://envercel.vercel.app/ or the preview site at https://envercel-preview.vercel.app/. The preview domain listens to any commits to the preview branch in GitHub. The production URL is deployed to any time a commit lands in the main (primary) branch in GitHub.

envercel webpage

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